Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cruel Stray Dog Control in Mauritius

This article from the Daily Mail is a damning account of the dog control program on the island of Mauritius where the catching, storing and killing methods as reported are very cruel and the catchers apparently all too keen to include pets in their daily catch in order to reach their quota of over 100 dogs a day.

With no rabies on the island the stray dog control program is supposedly to protect the tourism trade but this article suggests there isn’t actually a conflict between the dogs and the tourists.

The Mauritian Government may have their own side of the story but if this account is given wider publicity in the UK, from where around 200,000 tourists travel to Mauritius every year, then they will probably do far more damage to their own tourism industry than the stray dogs ever did.

1 comment:

  1. B D'apres twa... "Les chiens érants" form parti folclore mauricienne et c'est ca qui atire tourists???
    Tous les jour licien p trainer dans l'endroit cot mwa. Pou mo rentre cot mwa ena 3 etapes licien mo bizin passer tous les jours. Zour li morde twa to ava comprend impe qui mo p dire.
    En passant, hier mo ti trouve van "Dog control unit @ Shoprite Trianon. Chaufeur la ti ek so madame et zanfan dan van la.
